How to create a remote control car with micro-controller and RF module.

We can basically divide the project into two parts:
1. The remote with transmitting system(tx)
2. The  toy car itself with receiving system(rx)


For remote:

2 DPDT switches flpkrt
Arduino UNO R3 flpkrt
Tx module 433Hz flpkrt
Connecting wires flpkrt
Box for housing
Switch (SPST) x1
9V battery and DC jack flpkrt flpkrt 

For Car:

4 Wheels
Arduino UNO flpkrt
Rf module 433Hz flpkrt
L293D Motor driver module flpkrt
300 RPM motors x4 flpkrt
Duracell Heavy duty 9V x1 for powering motors flpkrt
Economical 9V cell x1 for powering Arduino flpkrt
Connecting wires
Switch (SPST) x2 
DIY - a hood to your car


Goto my GitHub repository :

first of all download the Virtual Wire Library and import it into your Arduino IDE as zip file
from the file tx; copy its code and program it to your Arduino in tx system
from the file rx; copy its code and program it to your Arduino in rx system



Note : We will use four wheel differential drive for car's locomotion

Take chasis and keep its head front. Allot 2 motors on the right side and 2 on the left.
Test the 2 motors on one side with a cell. For a given connection if it rotates such that the car would move forward, solder a red wire to the terminal which connected to positive potential and solder a black wire to the terminal of the motor which was connected to negative (or ground) potential.

Connect the red wires from the motors from a corresponding side together. Similarly do for the black.
Repeat this two step for motors on the opposite side.

Control Switches

Attach 2 dpdt switches on a box's removable side.
Now from back side make connections like shown below.
the switch on left is for right side motors and vice-versa.

Tx module

Make the connections as shown in picture :
GND, 12 , 5V are pins of Arduino on remote control unit.
Power this Arduino either with a power bank using USB A to USB B connector or using a 9V battery and the 9v jack on arduino. The negative terminal of the cell should go to ground.
Short all ground wires toge
The Remote control unit is ready.

Motor Driver

The motor driver is powered by 5V from Arduino output and 9/12V from 9V Duracell cell
Connect as follows
The numbers encircled are pins on Arduino
The terminals for motor is not specified, we will come back to it soon.

Rx module

Connect as follows
For Arduino on Car, power it by a 9V battery and a dc jack with a switch in between. The negative terminal of this cell should be grounded. Now, short all ground wires together.

So the Connections are ready. Time for test run.
Connect the right-side motors with any random terminals then press the right-side dpdt switch forward direction. If the car moves forward the connections are right or else reverse the connections.
Do the same for left-side motors.

All done, now assemble the remote unit circuit in the box and the locomotive circuit on the chasis.


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